Welcome to Elaine's Retirement Journal

I retired from John Muir Health as a Project Manager on May 22, 2011 after several attempts at doing so.
This blog is to experience my new Projects as Project Manager, Leisure.
I have several other blogs related to all the Morgan's Over America- see links.
As my Sister and I went together on the same trip to Provence this summer, and as she is a much better writer than I am, I have provided links to her writing where appropriate.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cameras, Cameras, Cameras January 19, 2011

I turned over in bed this morning and saw the empty spot beside me. Philip was already out of bed!. This just NEVER happens. Panic over came me, what had happened? I quickly went downstairs and was greeted with a fistful of printouts. Have the cats had their treats, yes they had. And why was Philip up so early? Actually he wanted to call England to talk about fixing Tallulah (our UK Morgan) to pass the MOT (smog and other tests). But alas he had an email from the mechanic. The electrical specialist was coming in today to see if he could fix her. Kind of like a neurological consultant. So with no other good reason to be OOB so early, camera searching ensured and I was presented with the spoils of his search.
Everytime I re-greet Philip for the last few days, I am handed a packet of camera evaluations. We must be up to a ream of paper so far. Today I learned about 4/3 Digital cameras, and they sound rather interesting for my purposes. Today's best was the panasonic lumix GMC-G2.
If you know Philip very well, you know that once I suggest buying XXXXX (doesn't matter what it is), he starts his research and doesn't let up until we buy something. Last week it was toilets, this week cameras.... which is why I am still working and haven't retired. Now I can't totally blame Philip, because I generally go along with him. I guess he has that guy thing, where if you mention something, "he" thinks he has to solve the problem you are theoretically proposing to him.
I had better retire to bed with what undoubtedly will be my new stack of reviews.  Nightie Night


Lee I said...

I, MOG 92's sister, have even taken advantage of Philip's tenacious search skills.

Lee I said...

Whoops! 92 MOG.