Welcome to Elaine's Retirement Journal

I retired from John Muir Health as a Project Manager on May 22, 2011 after several attempts at doing so.
This blog is to experience my new Projects as Project Manager, Leisure.
I have several other blogs related to all the Morgan's Over America- see links.
As my Sister and I went together on the same trip to Provence this summer, and as she is a much better writer than I am, I have provided links to her writing where appropriate.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Upcoming Trip

Much to my amazement, I haven't yet prepared my official itinerary for our next trip to England. I have pretty much made arrangements, but nothing seems to be in writing. That just isn't me. However, it is late, so I shall not start it tonight.... at least I don't believe I will.
Mind you, I have prepared a major portion of my Provence trip this summer.
We are so looking forward to spending time with Morgan friends just about the entire trip, aside from 3 days in London. Another "couple" friends of ours who we knew in Hong Kong in 1980, whom we visited last year in London, have since separated, so we are trying to make arrangements to see them separately.

Several of our "couple friends" have separated, and it is very sad to us. Interestingly, only 1 couple of our Morgan friends have separated. and they remain good friends (and actually still married) .. all others have stayed together for many years.
It must be that "Morgans will keep you together forever".
After London, we head South to Winchester to Roger and Linda's then to the shore where we will visit with Richard, Jenny and Sandra. Provided they are "ready", we will stop by to pick up Peter and Pauline, from whom we purchased Tallulah, our UK Morgan which they replaced with a Morgan Roadster, and travel to Malvern.
Linda and Roger
Jenny and Richard

Arthur and Patricia
 Three days are then spent with usual Morganing kind of things- eating, drinking, visiting the factory, dancing, visiting and more eating and drinking. We finalize our trip with a visit with Philip, Margaret and 101 year old Esther in Stratford  It will be another wonderful vacation.
    Peter and Pauline and their Roadster
    Esther, Margaret and Philip

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Camera Arrived

The new camera arrived last evening. I went to bed at 0200, unable to load the test pictures onto my PC. I rebooted and went to bed, thinking husband willl fix it in the AM.
AM- Husband inserts the card into the computer, and voila- pictures load- no problem.
And I missed at least 2 hours of sleep trying to figure it out.

Daddy's Girl Lola

Pin Up Healey

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas is "Put Away"

How about the 30 days of Christmas? Isn't that how long AFTER Christmas decoration are supposed to be displayed? After all, sister still had her colored lights shining last weekend. Since cleaning lady is coming today, I finally emptied the living room of the boxes which contained the Christmas decorations. Maybe I won't decorate next year, it just is too much work. I had 2 houses to decorate this year... oops, the Christmas decorations aren't in the basement yet at Mountain House. so really I am not done.. but I am SO DONE with Christmas. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No Moisture Meter

We had dinner tonight with Terry, a contractor friend.  I brought up the topic of moisture meters and engineered floors. He indicated we didn't need a moisture meter, we will be just fine with the engineered floors, as long as they sit in the house for 7-10 days before installation- not in the plastic wrap. It is ok to be in the box.
Upon checking my email, college friend kindly offered to lend us his moisture meter and in fact had it all wrapped up and ready to mail.  I had to say, thank you, but I don't think we needed it.
So I trust that moisture will not become our enemy and we will love our new engineered floors.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Moisture Meter

As we prepare to have our new wood floors installed, I am warned by college friend- be sure to check the moisture with a Wagner's MoistureMeter. He apparently has had difficulty (shrinking) with wood floors he had installed in a home, as well as difficulty with  a Timbertech deck failing apparently in the same location.
After many dumb questions back to said friend, I finally read about the Wagner's Moisture Meters ($395), and a bit about wood (engineered) floors and moisture, both in the subflooring and in the new flooring, and how their moisture needs to be within X % of each other. The more I read, the more confused I became. Now husband is an engineer, and at least somewhat understood what was being discussed. And I suppose one ought to ask questions about the moisture content in the new wood and the subfloor, but how do you resolve the differences? It was somewhat comforting to read that engineered floors (several layers of less than beautiful- and recycled wood- forms the base with a layer of beautiful wood on top is much less prone to being affected by moisture. But also that the rooms should be kept between 60-80 degrees.
Mind you, we have had wood floors (parquet in Hong Kong and VR condo and solid wood floors in current house which are 50 years old and varethane coated- which have had none to minor problems,  including our cleaning them with "water".
So I shall be interested to see what happens over then next few months with these new floors (Mohawk engineered Scotchgarded click oak floors- which will be nailed down.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Returned From The Hills

Having used many muscles I have not used in quite awhile, I managed to clear out the all the closets, cleared all the knicknacks from every surface, emptied the buffets,  and created many bags of recycling and garbage, the mountain house is now ready for the new floors. I purchased a little cart to assist in moving books and other heavy items to the garage.
I found mom's "love letters" to dad from 1933 which were tucked away in his drawer, and so sweet and in good "shape" and still in their envelopes. They will be put into archive paper and kept along with a few of the other items I have found, along with mom's wedding dress from 1936. I suspect I will find dad's letters to mom when I ever get through every paper that has ever passed through their hands.
My new camera is expected this Thursday, and I am very excited.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reservations at Last

Many hours of searching for flights and fares for our summer tour, so that both Lee and I could travel somewhat together to Marseilles, and return, me from London via Paris, and Lee from Marseilles via Paris for this summer trip, we finally purchased our tickets tonight, simultaneously over the phone.  Philip is traveling to London and back separately, as he is doing the Morgan event while we do the Provence Lavender tour.Provence Tour

I am supposed to be preparing for leaving early tomorrow to head toward the Groveland House to prepare for new wood floors.   I am leaving Philip home with the cats, so I can heads down, complete the task.
The camera has been ordered- Panasonic DMC-G2 Interchangeable Lens System Digital Camera 4/3, Red. Camera.
New clothes washers are his new research. Although fairly new, our Magtag chews up clothes, especially towels. Let's see what happens here...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cameras, Cameras, Cameras January 19, 2011

I turned over in bed this morning and saw the empty spot beside me. Philip was already out of bed!. This just NEVER happens. Panic over came me, what had happened? I quickly went downstairs and was greeted with a fistful of printouts. Have the cats had their treats, yes they had. And why was Philip up so early? Actually he wanted to call England to talk about fixing Tallulah (our UK Morgan) to pass the MOT (smog and other tests). But alas he had an email from the mechanic. The electrical specialist was coming in today to see if he could fix her. Kind of like a neurological consultant. So with no other good reason to be OOB so early, camera searching ensured and I was presented with the spoils of his search.
Everytime I re-greet Philip for the last few days, I am handed a packet of camera evaluations. We must be up to a ream of paper so far. Today I learned about 4/3 Digital cameras, and they sound rather interesting for my purposes. Today's best was the panasonic lumix GMC-G2.
If you know Philip very well, you know that once I suggest buying XXXXX (doesn't matter what it is), he starts his research and doesn't let up until we buy something. Last week it was toilets, this week cameras.... which is why I am still working and haven't retired. Now I can't totally blame Philip, because I generally go along with him. I guess he has that guy thing, where if you mention something, "he" thinks he has to solve the problem you are theoretically proposing to him.
I had better retire to bed with what undoubtedly will be my new stack of reviews.  Nightie Night


Making flight decisions, seeking itinerary information, reading Rick Steve's Provence book and Philip checking out new cameras, and handing me volumes of camera reviews have been my distractions lately from doing those tasks that need to be done. My Christmas decorations are strewn about the living room, half-way in boxes to be placed in the attic or portable shed (car carrier with no room for a car).
You see, I am taking a vacation this summer with my sister Lee to Provence, while Philip goes to MOG 2011 with Jenny and Richard Seys. He and I will then meet up in Brussels to spend some time with Paul and Marie-Isabelle before heading off to Amsterdam and Bruge in the Morgan.