Husband arose early to be available for any discussion when the worker arrived. First task of the day was to clear the roots out of the septic tank. As it was pumped yesterday, the task wasn't too bad. However to prime the tank, we had Mexican food last night, but fortunately this cleanout was done early in the AM.
Clearing roots out of septic tank |
The next task was adding the "risers" to the tank to enable finding the tank once the hill was built up over it. Husband did measurements from the porch post to ensure the capability of finding it in the future. Instructions were given to add the measurements to the building plan for future use.
Once the risers were glued into place, the mightyexcavators went to work again, lifting, compacting, sculpting and moving dirt all around the yard- Yes Patrica, yard- not garden. Originally it had been thought that 12 truckloads of dirt would be moved off the property, but so far, none has, and it may happen that none will. Because of this, we will have a large parking pad behind the lower garage. Neighbors suggested we put a swimming pool at that location, but that is unlikely that will happen.
Sculpted corner |
By the end of the day, 2 excavators and one large truck are parked on the new pad behind the to be garage.
Looking toward the house
Trucks parked
What a difference the property is now. One can imagine the wonderful garage that will be here in several months. Even the surrounding trees look nice, and while sad to lose the old trees, new ones will be planted in appropriately.
Tomorrow will be excavating for the footings.
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